About Faculty

About Faculty

The Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology at Yarmouk University was established in 1984, then the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, as a research and teaching center in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, and epigraphy. It has constantly expanded since then to cover other related fields such as cultural resources management, conservation of archaeological materials, archaeometry, and museum studies. This led to the transformation of the Institute into the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology in the academic year 2003/2004.

The Faculty comprises four departments: Archaeology, Anthropology, Epigraphy, and Conservation and Management of Cultural Resources. It has also the following units: the Museum of Jordanian Heritage, Laboratories Unit, and Deir 'Alla Station for Archaeological Studies. In addition, the Faculty houses tow scientific chairs regulated by the university instructions and regulations: Mahmoud al-Ghul Chair for the Study of the Civilization and Epigraphy of the Arabian Peninsula, and Samir Shamma Chair for Islamic Numismatics and Civilization.

The Faculty offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in the general field of cultural heritage. It awards bachelor degrees in the areas of archaeology, anthropology, and conservation and management of cultural resources. It also awards master’s degrees in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, epigraphy, and conservation and management of cultural resources.

The Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology is distinguished from its counterparts in Jordan and the region by offering unique academic and training programs that were mostly introduced to the Arab region for the first time. Reference is made in this connection primarily to the programs of epigraphy, physical anthropology, conservation of cultural heritage, cultural resources management, numismatic studies, and archaeometry. Furthermore, the Faculty managed since its establishment to build an extensive network of international relationships with numerous academic institutions worldwide. These aspects of distinction allow the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology to play a crucial role on the academic level locally, regionally and internationally.





To be recognized as a center of excellence for education, research and community service in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, and conservation of cultural heritage at the national, regional and international levels.




To deliver high-quality undergraduate and graduate education, problem-based research, and community-oriented services in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, and conservation of cultural heritage. This will be achieved through providing a dynamic, student-centered, and outcome-based educational programs, participating in international collaborative and interdisciplinary research, and working closely with community.




  • Provide a high-quality scientific and academic product that is based on interdisciplinarity and integration between archeology, anthropology, conservation of cultural heritage, and other sciences.
  • Foster a sense of professionalism, ethics, social engagement, and dedication in our students and improve their personalities.
  • Focus on empirical studies and field training as a mainstay in archeological sciences. 
  • Provide the broader community with a better understanding of its own cultural heritage and promote its engagement in the preservation, appreciation, and utilization of this heritage.
  • Recruit and develop highly-qualified staff and faculty and improve their skills through continuous motivation, research, workshops, and learning experiences.
  • Provide facilities for outstanding and innovative research work and encourage the participation of professional students in research.
  • Expand and consolidate the network with national, regional, and international partners, and enhance the involvement in collaborative research, especially that focuses on interdisciplinary projects.
  • Develop and maintain strong associations with potential employers of our students through internships and other partnerships, and highlight the role of archaeology and anthropology in various institutions of the society.




  • Excellence in teaching and research
  • Community service and social engagement
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Mutual respect
  • Networking at the interior and exterior levels

The Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology at Yarmouk University was established in 1984, as the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, aiming at conducting interdisciplinary researches and promoting public awareness of cultural heritage of Jordan and the Arab World.

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Phone : 027211111 (2271)
Fax : 0096227211155
E-mail : archaeology.fac@yu.edu.jo
Address :Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Copyright © 2025 YU.


+96227211111Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163