Department of Archaeology

Department of Archaeology

Mr. Mohammad Jaradat / Head of Dept.


The department of Archaeology at the Faculty of Archeology and Anthropology was established in 1984. It awards bachelor and master's degrees in archaeology. Archaeology is the study of the human past, in all its social and cultural diversity. The taught courses at the department deal with clarifying the development and principles of archaeology and its importance in the study of the region's history and ancient civilizations through material remains. Students learn to identify the ancient civilizations in the region, the characteristics of their archaeological remains, and the way these remains are dated, analyzed and studied. Our teaching combines lectures, seminars, practical work, language classes, and lab experience. Fieldwork experience, for which departmental subsidies are available, is a vital element of the Archaeology course, and there are many opportunities for students to join department-based research projects. The faculty members at the department conduct excavations and field projects in archaeological sites, which usually carried out in collaboration with foreign universities and institutions.

Excavations and field collaborative projects:

-  A project exploring and preserving the archaeology of the ancient site of Tal-al Husn and its historical context,directed byProf. Al Mouhaseen, Z seasons 2008-2010 and Tarboush, M. season 2018.

-A project exploring and preserving the archaeology of the ancient city of GadaraUmm Qais and its historical context,directed byProf. Al Shuab, Atef. With collaboration with University of Paris-Sorbonneand Department of Antiquities of Jordan.

A project exploring and preserving the archaeology of Umm Al-Sarb archaeological sitewithcollaboration with University of Paris-Sorbonne and Department of Antiquitiesof Jordan .

A project exploring and preserving the archaeology ofTel Damiaharchaeological sitewith collaboration with Leiden Museum of Antiquities and Department of Antiquitiesof Jordan..



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The Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology at Yarmouk University was established in 1984, as the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, aiming at conducting interdisciplinary researches and promoting public awareness of cultural heritage of Jordan and the Arab World.

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