Yarmouk University resumes its summer season of archaeological excavations in Umm Qais


he Department of Archaeology resumes its summer season of archaeological excavations at Umm Qais "Gadara" during summer semester. The excavations aim at training the students on field’s techniques of exploration, documentation, reporting, and drawing. In addition, excavations will help to investigate the cultural heritage of the site.

The Department of Conservation and Management of Cultural Resources will start its summer course in training the students how to conserve archaeological artifacts in the field based on their chemical and physical properties.

Prof. Abd el-Hakim al-Husban, Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology and anthropology, pointed that the faculty holds its yearly summer training courses in order to provide the student with skills needed to explore, preserve and promote the cultural heritage of Jordan. 


The Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology at Yarmouk University was established in 1984, as the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, aiming at conducting interdisciplinary researches and promoting public awareness of cultural heritage of Jordan and the Arab World.

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